There Is No Magic Pill

By Lindsay // The Ketoneer

Please Please Please – Do not waste your money on ANY kind of diet pill. There is no magic pill. There are no “keto pills” that you need to purchase or ingest. I did not take any diet pills to lose my 80 pounds. I ate real food! I get asked about diet pills on a daily basis. It is human nature to wish for an easy, magical, overnight way to lose weight. 

Exogenous Ketones, MCT Oil, Fat Burners

Companies may try to sell you “exogenous ketones” such as BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate) or “keto pills”. Exogenous means they are coming from an external source and your body is not making them naturally. These exogenous ketones are being marketed in a way that makes you think you can take a pill to reap all the benefits of ketosis without changing your diet at all. Ketosis does not work that way. You have to cut out the carbs. I think the majority of people on a low carb diet do not need additional exogenous ketones. Although, it may have its place for people who are battling neurological disorders. Someone using a ketogenic diet to treat something like dementia or seizures could potentially benefit from a higher ketone level. This would be something you need to discuss with your physician if you are on a therapeutic ketogenic diet for a medical condition. Dr. Dominic D’Agostino has been working on some interesting ketone research. His lab has been studying the effects of a ketogenic diet and ketone supplementation on oxygen toxicity (a risk factor for scuba divers and astronauts), neurodegenerative diseases, seizures, and cancer. You can read more about Dr. D’Agostino’s work with ketones HERE. If you or a loved one are suffering from epilespy, please check out The Charlie Foundation for some great info on therapeutic ketogenic diets for seizures. 

If you are on a ketogenic diet solely for weight loss, I will recommend you stay away from exogenous ketones. Here is why. Your body is using ketones via fat metabolism for energy instead of glucose. Until you become completely fat adapted (which could take weeks to months), your body will be spilling out excess ketones through your breath and urine. This is why you will see urine ketone monitoring strips on the market (which I also do not use). It is also why you may have “keto breath” in the beginning or a metallic taste in your mouth. This goes away when you become fat adapted because your body learns to use all these ketones effectively for energy rather than spilling them out. Now, if you are taking in exogenous ketones, those are extra ketones your body has to use for energy before tapping into your fat stores. Make sense? So, I feel that exogenous ketones may have their place for certain diseases and disorders but further research is needed. I feel they are not necessary for weight loss and could potentially slow weight loss down. 

Another “keto pill” companies may try to sell you are MCT oil pills. MCT oil is great! It stands for medium chain triglyceride. MCTs are found in coconut oil. This specific fat can be separated from the other fats in coconut oil and sold as a separate product. MCTs can naturally put you into a deeper state of ketosis (if you are already on a ketogenic diet). This is not the same as exogenous ketones and is a short term boost that will not slow your weight loss. It also has been shown to increase mental clarity and energy levels. MCTs are a quick energy source as they go straight to the liver to be metabolized. I do like to put either coconut oil or a splash of MCT oil in my coffee for a morning fat boost. I feel that it really helps me focus in the morning. You can see the one I use HERE. You will see that I use an actual bottle of oil. You will not get enough MCT oil to make any kind of difference in a pill form. You would have to take numerous pills at a time to get the equivalent of a teaspoon or tablespoon of MCT oil. Therefore, I think MCT oil in a pill form is a rip off. Save your money and buy an actual bottle of oil if you want to try MCTs. I do not think that it is a requirement to take MCTs on a keto diet. They are also not a weight loss miracle like some companies try to advertise in order to take your money. They are just another great fat source you can use on a low carb, high fat diet. Since MCTs are absorbed and metabolized so quickly, they can run through you quickly, if you know what I mean. Start off will small amounts like a teaspoon or less and work your way up to a tablespoon as your body adjusts to avoid running to the restroom. 

Fat Burner Pills -Just say no to these, please. They often come with terrible side effects and do not produce long term, meaningful weight loss. These could be just a basic caffeine supplement or more serious drugs that require a prescription. Even if they claim to be “all natural”, these are often a huge waste of your time and money. 

Electrolytes and Collagen

I will recommend that people take electrolytes short term. These are the only “supplements” you may need on keto. They are only needed because of increased urination you will experience in the first couple weeks. This short term fluid loss is not a fault of the keto diet. This is due to the massive amounts of inflammation and excess fluid our bodies hold onto while eating the standard American diet. Keto purges your body of this very quickly. With this fluid loss, like any fluid loss, you will lose electrolytes. Most Americans are deficient in magnesium and potassium anyway, regardless of diet choice. I can’t count the bags of potassium and magnesium I administered to patients intravenously during my nursing career. HERE are the products I recommend to people to prevent “keto flu” aka electrolyte loss. Just like if you go out in the heat and sweat a lot, you may feel tired, weak, and have muscle cramps. Be prepared and educated on this from the beginning so you do not experience keto flu. 

The “Nu Salt” potassium does not taste great. I did not enjoy salting my food with it. I personally poured some into a spoon and took it orally all at once followed by a drink of water. While it may taste unpleasant, it is one of the quickest ways to get your potassium levels back up if you are experiencing keto flu symptoms. Potassium in a pill form normally only comes in 99 mg which is not much and is often not well absorbed. Spinach, green leafy veggies, and avocados are great sources of potassium. Avocados are also a great source of magnesium as well as pumpkin seeds and sugar free dark chocolate or cacao. I love eating a small square of 85% cacao chocolate as an after dinner treat. 100% Cacao powder also tastes great added to coffee as sort of a keto version of a mocha. If you choose to take a magnesium supplement pill, take it at night as it will help you sleep. If you start to get loose stools, I recommend easing off the magnesium pills as it can also have a laxative effect. Don’t forget to also up your salt intake with a good quality sea salt as keto makes you become a “salt waster”. Your body will not hold onto sodium in the same way it did on the standard American diet when you were eating lots of sugar and carbs. Drink water when you are thirsty. Don’t let yourself become dehydrated. You do not need to over-consume and drink gallons of water a day. This will only further dilute your electrolytes.  

I am a fan of grass fed collagen powder in my coffee. I mainly like the creamy texture and small amount of protein it adds to my coffee. I think collagen is great but whether it really is the miracle supplement it is often advertised as is up in the air. I think it will always be best to get collagen from natural food sources such as bone broth, eggs, and connective tissue in meat products. Y’all outta see me go to town on some chicken legs. Collagen has also shown potential to help heal GI issues such as “leaky gut syndrome” or intestinal permeability. These are newer terms coming up in the medical community for an inflamed GI system that has areas of weak lining. Our terrible diets and lifestyles are the culprit. Leaky gut is potentially linked to many common health issues we battle. Collagen could also potentially benefit our joints, hair, and skin. HERE is the collagen powder I use in my coffee. But again, this should not be your main source of collagen in your diet. It is unknown how beneficial collagen powder really is and it is certainly not a requirement to do keto. I simply enjoy collagen as a protein source over whey protein for a meal replacement coffee. 

Treat the Symptoms, Not the Cause

We think we have it all figured out when it comes to healthcare. I have the unpopular opinion that we are still in the dark ages of medicine. We look back at medicine of the 1800s when leeching and bleeding people were common practice. We see this as laughable now. I think we will look back someday on how we currently treat diabetes, heart disease, and most other diseases and see it as ridiculous. I hope we will see an emergence in functional medicine where the focus is getting to the root of the problem instead of treating the symptoms with a pill (or many pills). The focus should be getting people off their medications instead of adding more. I have personally been able to stop my seizure medication and high dose NSAIDS I was taking to treat debilitating headaches I was dealing with pre keto. This medication helped to control my headaches, but like many medications, it came with side effects that did not make me feel my best. I feel keto cured my headache disorder because ketones are a better fuel for the brain and help reduce inflammation in the body.  

Speaking of magic pills, please go watch, “The Magic Pill” on Netflix. This is a great documentary about the benefits of a ketogenic diet. It also supports the message that THERE IS NO MAGIC PILL! 

Please eat real food.

This is my PSA. 

2 thoughts on “There Is No Magic Pill”

  1. Hi Lindsay,
    I’m looking for a typical meal plan to get me started; breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks? I realize I need to go shopping, but do you have a quick idea of how to get started without having to buy everything at once?
    Thanks, Nancy

    1. Hey Nancy. I do not have any specific meal plans that I recommend at this time. I have never followed a specific meal plan as I eat different foods all the time. You definitely do not have to buy all of the items on the shopping list at once. I just made it as a guide to help you know some basic whole foods that are fair game on keto. Hope this helps!

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